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Once a month (we'll send you a reminder email), remove your Fridge Friend, give it a good shake to spread the mineral and place it on a paper towel in your microwave. 

Microwave for no more than 20 seconds only (otherwise, damage may occur) Time based on a 1,000 watt microwave oven.  or you can place your Fridge Friend/s in a conventional oven at a low temperature of 60C - 70C, 140-160F for up to 30 minutes. 

More than one Fridge Friend:

If you have more than one Fridge Friend, please microwave separately and use a fresh paper towel each time as excess moisture may damage the filter.

No Microwave, No Problem:

You can place your Fridge Friend/s in a conventional oven at a low temperature of 60C - 70C, 140-160F for up to 30 minutes.

Allow your Fridge Friend to cool down to room temperature, which may take 10 minutes or longer. 

Once cooled, replace your Fridge Friend/s in your Fridge.

Monthly maintenance will clean and reset the filter for the next 30 days and ensure optimal performance for at least three years.

Under everyday use and care, your Fridge Friend will last three years or more.